The Legend of Sun Knight V8C5: “The Battle Declaration from the Light—The Alarm that the Demon King Set Forth”

posted in: The Legend of Sun Knight | 44

The Legend of Sun Knight Volume 8: Ending the Demon King, Part Two

Original novel in Chinese by: 御 我 (Yu Wo)

The Fifth Chapter of the Final Battle: The Battle Declaration from the Light—The Alarm that the Demon King Set Forth– translated by Doza

When I returned to the party, Taylen and Charlotte were surprisingly still at the same spot waiting for me, and there was even an additional Michel. What is he doing, shouldn’t the leader be very busy? It’s fine if Charlotte and Taylen often skip out on their duties, but why is Michel slacking off here as well?

“Grisia, you’ve finally returned!”

“Who in the world was that person?” Charlotte was dying from curiosity. “Is he really your butler?”

“I don’t think so.” Without waiting for my reply, Taylen came up with his own analysis. “His pace as he was walking was firm, and he actually had quite an intimidating aura. I’m afraid he’s stronger than me.”

Charlotte made an expression of disbelief… What is there to disbelieve? Not only is Adair’s strength above Taylen’s, it’s even in the high heavens way above his head!


Kill No More VS ½ Prince V1C1: Chapter 1

posted in: killvsprince | 20

This story is set during volume 5 of Kill No More and post-series for ½ Prince. Expect spoilers for both series up to that point for each. Translations of Kill No More can be read at Japtem’s website. We have chosen to follow Japtem’s translation terms for Kill No More as much as possible, but there could be some differences.

Kill No More VS ½ Prince Melee: The Legendary Gods

Original story in Chinese by: 御 我 (Yu Wo)

Chapter 1 – translated by Doza

Legend has it that in this world, there is the God of Creation, the God of War, the God of the Arts, and the God of Prosperity, as well as many other gods. However, with the passing of time, the legend of the gods has slowly faded from the people’s memory…

“O God of Creation, O God of War, O God of the Arts… O God of Prosperity, please give me lots of money, few troubles, and let me be forever close to my bed!”

… At the very least, in Kaiser’s routine prayers, the gods were still present.


No Hero V2C9: Conflict Arises, the Selfish Hero

posted in: No Hero | 19

No Hero Volume 2: The Hero Grim Reaper

Original novel in Chinese by: 御 我 (Yu Wo)

Legend of a Hero Chapter 9: Conflict Arises, the Selfish Hero – translated by ErodingPersona

Gēge, what is the line between humans and non-humans?

Nearly my entire body has been altered from top to bottom, filled with steel that normal people shouldn’t have, and even made to hide energy weapons. Do I still count as a human?

It’s okay, I’m not upset… After all, Charles and Melody both aren’t human either! Luckily, I’m not the only non-human at home.

That’s why, it doesn’t matter anymore. It doesn’t matter even if I am not human.


The Legend of Sun Knight V8C4: “The Betrayer of the God of Light—The Black General”

posted in: The Legend of Sun Knight | 36

The Legend of Sun Knight Volume 8: Ending the Demon King, Part Two

Original novel in Chinese by: 御 我 (Yu Wo)

The Fourth Chapter of the Final Battle: “The Betrayer of the God of Light – The Black General” – translated by Lucathia

After I pulled my farsight back from the distance, I immediately saw Charlotte leaning forward, looking at me. Her eyes were wide open. Why in the world does she have them open so wide? No matter how large your eyes are, it doesn’t mean you would see more, right?

“You sure are difficult to find!” Charlotte pouted and said, “If you want to stare off into space, can’t you do it while sitting in your own tent?”

Everyone in the party knew that I loved sitting under a tree some distance away from the camp to “meditate.” However, this was, of course, not the truth. I was actually using my farsight to “observe.”

“Why were you looking for me?” I lazily asked.

“There’s a stranger who has come to the party to look for you!”

I didn’t know what Charlotte was so excited about. Ever since the few times I forgot to recite incantations while casting magic, there were mages coming day and night to seek me out as a teacher. What is there to be excited about?


No Hero V2C8: Voice by Voice, the Hero Hears the Prayers

posted in: No Hero | 15

No Hero Volume 2: The Hero Grim Reaper

Original novel in Chinese by: 御 我 (Yu Wo)

Legend of a Hero Chapter 8: Voice by Voice, the Hero Hears the Prayers – translated by Raylight

Gēge, today I remembered something from the past, something upsetting.

However, I also suddenly discovered that compared to the past, I now have Gēge, Bàba, Charles, Bramble-shū, Briar, Dell… and many, many more!

I suddenly realized that, compared to the past, the current me has so much, so very much!
