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Author: Yu Wo (御我); Novel Illustrator: Wu Ling (50/午零)


If you could return to the day you met, what would the two of you do?

“Ah! Fate is unfathomable like that. Never would anyone be able to guess that such an ordinary encounter could lead to such an extraordinary future. Although our encounter that day contributed to a resplendent future, I sometimes find myself reminiscing about ordinary days. If time could be rewound, would I choose to step foot into that tavern where we met… Ah, no! Even if that tavern had not existed, we would definitely have met anyway, because our encounter was indispensable fate!”

“With my blade, I’ll cut the tavern, destiny, and this bastard in half all at the same time.”
–Red Cloak


Female Warrior is a novel series written by Yu Wo. Only two short volumes that can be thought of as “prequels” to the main Female Warrior storyline have been published so far. The main story has not been published yet. Yu Wo has revealed that Female Warrior details the 1st generation of the Twelve Holy Knights from the Legend of Sun Knight.

For more information on Yu Wo, here is her official blog.

If you have time, why not leave a comment below reviewing this series?

108 Responses

  1. Amay bee

    The first generation sunkights!!! Oh my god of light! I’m SO excited!!!! *・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)’・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*

  2. EliSan

    I’m so touched TT.TT
    And I was even thinking “1/2 prince is finishing. And what am I going to read?”
    Thank you Yo Wo!!!
    Thank you PR!!!
    May the god of light show his benevolence upon you all

  3. Jasae Bushae

    hmm….so only two short volumes so far? interesting…so that would mean that its going to be translated relatively quickly (unless the first volume comes out) leading to work on another series?

    • [PR]lucathia

      @Jasae Bushae
      Yu Wo plans to write FW in the future (it sounds like her next project), but currently she still has No Hero (1 volume left, volume 8), Gong Hua (3 volumes left, volumes 4-6), and 39 LSK (2 volumes left, volumes 2-3) to write. I hope we’ll see the main story of FW soon! I can’t wait to find out more about the 1st gen~.

    • Jasae Bushae

      Squeee~ I am envious of the dedication Yu Wo has to be mannaging so many series at once X3 golly I have a long way to go before im even a tenth as talented. XD
      But wow…Eight volumes of no hero, six volumes of gong hua (which if i recall is something about a dryad/flower/elf for a world tree) three volumes of the sequel to legend of sun knight…..PrinceRevolution is going to be busy for quite a while. XD
      And im likewise quite looking forward to it~ My question though was if you all manage to translate 1/2 prince and then these two mini volumes, whether or not you intended to pick up another series like No Hero while waiting for the publishing of female warrior
      Purely hypothetical and if I had to guess it would probably take something like eighteen months if the 1/2 prince spin-off and the female warrior chapters are near as long as I expect, though im kinda curious.

    • SnowStorm

      @Jasae Bushae
      Yeah, I really think Yu Wo is amazing, not only for her writing, but her managing ability.
      And I wish you best of luck with your writing!

    • Jasae Bushae

      An ability to pour endlessly over work that rivals even that of the storm knight! Her fans can rest easy knowing that even if she were to die she would come back as a death knight to continue writing~

  4. Holy Crap! I never would’ve guessed what this was about from the title! I seriously can’t wait!! Question though: I know this is the 1st gen and the current LSK is about the 38th gen, but has there been anything yet that could count as a spoiler for LSK? I would hate to start reading Female Warrior and accidentally find out something that isn’t mentioned until the end of LSK.

    • [PR]lucathia

      They are many, many generations apart. The entire continent is quite different from what we see in LSK. What has been released so far doesn’t have anything to do with the main plot of LSK.

    • @[PR]dahlys
      I wasn’t really referring to the main plot. After all, 760 years is definitely a different era. More like, is there background information on the Church/God of Light, or something else, in FW that somehow becomes a key point in later LSK books?

    • [PR]azakura

      not really. there’s really no link other than the fact that Sun and Judge of the 38th generation are similar to the 1st gen’s (something we already know). no spoilers by me ~(x__x)~

    • lydia


      same here. never thought it would be anything related to LSK .
      when i read it:
      1st generation holy knights?O.o

  5. CocoFlower

    Kyaaaaaaa first gen!!!! *is fangirling* But wait…FEMALE warrior…Omg what if one of the holy knights is a cross dresser? What if It’s the Sun Knight?! xD xD

    • @CocoFlower
      If that’s true, I think we just figured out why the Sun Knight “can’t love women” and can only love the God of Light. Rofl poor Grisia!

    • Jasae Bushae

      And why the sun knight must have a beautiful complexion and pretty hair and why the recommended method for storm knights to appease the squeeing fangirls is for one to snuggle up close to the sun knight…

  6. Aurelia

    I’m so glad PR! is translating Female Warrior! I can’t wait for this to be released((: Thank you so much!! <3
    Here're the cookies. /offers
    Jiayous! I'd apply for translator, but I'm kinda busy for now… Maybe next year(:
    Thanks again for all you all have done:D

  7. mearo

    1st generation of LSK but somehow it’s like it has the same feel of the three main characters of 1/2 prince xiao lan/prince, wicked and gui.

  8. Aerebes

    Oh man, I cannot wait, this is gonna be so awesome. Thank you so much Yu Wo and Prince Revolution for being awesome!!

  9. Little Dragon Girl

    This shall be interesting…Mwa ha ha ha ha! Thank you for uptaking another story, Prince Revolution. I never knew what I was doing one fateful day after I finished the HP manga currently out, I saw that it said there was a novel form and naively googled it…But it says “Female”…Maybe one of the Knights (even, *gasp*, the SUN KNIGHT!) was actually female and hid their gender, or maybe it’s about someone who was never a knight but had an important role in the Church anyway. Once more, this shall be interesting…

  10. Little Writer

    …How in the world did you guys find this page????
    Second thing-The bard sounds like Gui~

    • Jasae Bushae

      @Little Writer
      umm…as i recall one person found it hidden in the android version and when their comments received approval people who lurk the comment page or have a RSS feed got informed about comments on female warrior which lead to people clicking the comment to end up on the page XD

    • Alyss

      @Little Writer
      Yeah, he does XD Plus their both bards.
      For some really strange reason, I can’t shake the feeling that ‘Red Cloak’ is a girl…which is why Bard saying such weird things ticks him/her off…or something. Even though Red Cloak’s bit doesn’t sound at all girly.
      Maybe I’ve been reading too much 1/2 Prince XD

    • lilli

      XD it seems like all of Yu Wo’s stories have a S+M relationship. From the looks of the pictures though, either both the bard and red cloak are girls or red cloak is a female and the bard is a male. T_T I was actually hoping for the other way around.

  11. Mitsou

    woa… Female warrior? Don’t tell me it’s sun knight …… (If that’s true then poooor Grisia and any other Sun knight for following the image of lady 1st generation Sun knight!)
    Sound interesting but it’s not finished yet_________ I can tell this will be a long wait!

  12. MNeilG

    that bard’s speech seems suspiciously like Sun-style convoluted way of speaking… :3

  13. Tinnis

    Yeah, a story about the first generation of the twelve holy nights^^ This sounds so good, I’m looking forward to when you guys will start to translate this story. If it’s even half as funny and awesome as Legend of the Sun knight this should be an awesome read. Somehow I really have the feeling that the Bard will be the first Sun Knight and that the red cloak is going to be the first Judgment Knight.:) Just a question how long is this books, cause it’s written that they are short volumes.

  14. starnorma

    FIRST GENERATION TWELVE HOLY KNIGHTS!!!!! *uses a pillow to squeal into* I SO want to learn what the knights who started the tradition “the whole continent knows” are really like!!! Now I can finally know if the first Storm Knight’s hair was dyed or not. Was the first Sun as horrible as Grisia and Neo? Is the Judgment knight really such a horrible person? Was the Cloud Knight really a ghost? EEEEEEEE I’m so excited!

    • Jasae Bushae

      As i recall from the description of cloud knight it mentioned ‘a cloud knight is a free spirit who drifts around of his own accord and can be found at the top of towers and in trees~….while the current one is more like a ghost who can be found in bookcases or cupboards.’

    • immasweetslovinggirl

      I don’t know if I am the only one but i want to see what happened to the sun knight line was it always so perverted and conniving or did it get that way later on

  15. starnorma

    Hold on…. Female Warrior? even amnesiac Grisia points out that the description of the sun Knight is like a “gorgeous beauty” ….ehh?!!! Could the first Sun Knight have been a girl?!!!

    • Jasae Bushae

      so a female knight surrounded by eleven male knights…
      i have to wonder how many fangirls are squeeing and imprinting themselves on the main character ahead of time…

    • immasweetslovinggirl

      And all of a sudden the world went siletn as the knowledge that the first sun knight was a girl was finally revealed

  16. NeoWarrior

    Ok, let’s see… We have a REDcloak that could be either a female version of Sun or Blaze(it IS RED)…

    What if ALL of the original Holy Knights were female?! After all, it IS Female Warrior!
    That would make the Church of the God of Light liers and bastards! {no surprise there…}

    • Raylight

      @Jasae Bushae
      Don’t bother translating it – The character descriptions aren’t fully up yet, and those are just random words to fill up space and make sure the thing looks right ^^;

    • [PR]lucathia

      @Jasae Bushae
      It’s just Lorem Ipsum. =P Gibberish to make sure the spacing is correct. You’ll notice how the tables in the 1/2 Prince character page doesn’t display correctly halfway down. It’s because there isn’t enough text to expand the tables…

    • SnowStorm

      Oh, it does seem like the bard is definitely Sun and the Red Cloak (whatever that is) is Judge (from hair and eye colour).
      But then, don’t all the theories of the first Sun Knight being a girl go up in smoke?
      I mean, it is called Female Warrior, but Sun is a bard…

    • NeoWarrior


      Even if we ignore thaeir hair and eye color as well as the fact that the bard seems to have fair skin, the female swordswoman seems to have an expression of cold-bloodedness that is usually thought to belong to Judge and the bard has a smiling expression of joy that seems to be thought to belong to Sun…

      Seriously, it’s pretty obvious who is who…

    • SnowStorm

      Wait, then are you implying that instead of the first Sun Knight, the first Judgement Knight was the cross-dresser?

  17. NeoWarrior

    12 Female Warriors changed through the current of time into 12 Holy Knights???

  18. SnowStorm

    Oh my gosh, Oh my God of Light! It’s the first gen!
    So many of my questions anwered!
    Was the first Sun Knight an albino?
    Did the first Storm Knight dye his hair?
    Does the first Hell Knight really exist?
    And so many more. Please feel free to add them!

    • immasweetslovinggirl


  19. MPToki

    The first generation!!!!
    I am so hyped!
    Is it me or does the bard sound like Gui?
    Who could it be?!!!
    Thank You For This page =D

  20. immasweetslovinggirl


    • SnowStorm

      Oh, I think it was pretty sure that the Holy Knights down the generations have always tried to copy the first gen’s traits. So that would mean the those personalities were always the original personalities, implying that those were the REAL personalities of the first gen. So, it gets twisted along the way as the other following generations try to imitate them and hence become twisted.

  21. immasweetslovinggirl


  22. Mitsou

    nvm…. The picture of the first gen Sun and Judge look suspiciously female…… maybe all of them are females? So the first Generation of Knight… is all…. female ahahahhahahahahahahhahah I originally thought it was only Sun, well, theory expanded (all of them, not just Sun now)

  23. 15B

    I believe it’s not the first Sun Knight who was a girl. (That would be lying and the original Sun Knight must be the epitome of goodness!) I think it might be the Hell Knight. Because the church could not reveal one of their knights was female, she probably had to stay in the shadows and rumors.

    • Chicaalterego

      I completely agree with that. And I have the hunch that the picture we are seeing belongs to hell as well. I believe that hell being a girl makes more sense than Sun being a gril, and that Yu Wo is playing with her fans brains.

  24. So, new theory! If the original Sun was actually a guy, maybe he said he could only love the God of Light so he could secretly date Judgment and let his suitors down easily, haha.

  25. NeoWarrior

    What if the God of Light was an actual person and O-Sun’s love interest?

  26. Crues

    It’s would be better if you time to time translate all yu wo ‘ novel.
    The one who can understand or can read taiwanese or live in this country sure is a very lucky.
    So as the god of light will, help the poor( the one who can’t read taiwanese) by the twelve holy knight of the god of the church of light( pr staff). Thanks :D

  27. Keyless

    Oh my gosh. Dang, give me another thing to anticipate, why don’t you? Oh well. I’ll be beginning to pick up Chinese in December, and hopefully I’ll catch on quickly enough (so…. many… characters…) to be helpful in some way in translating at some point in the future…

  28. Chicaalterego

    If I had to take a guess, the “Female warrior” would be the hell knight. Think about it, if Sun was thought to be the Hell knight there is the possibilty that the “bard” who we all asume was the 1rst gen un knight, might have dressed like her to battle the enemies that were too powerfull. Also that would explain the whole mistery thing. Maybe the hell knight had a secret selection process since the knight could be either genre, and then the brainwashing would go about how to pretend to be a male, instead of impossing random personality traits.

  29. Mawy

    kyyyaa!! So excited! (≧∇≦)

    Well, my guesses from the posted information (covers, titles, and synopses at the ‘Female Warrior Synopses’ page) will be…
    Prologue Volume 1: Light and Shadow – is probably an analogy to the character/personality of the Bard and Red Cloak, which can further be applied to Sun and Judgement and translated to the two factions within the Holy Knights. So probably Sun is the Bard and Judgement is Red Cloak. And Red Cloak seams to be a female (from the cover) and a warrior (from the cover and her way of speaking).
    Prologue Volume 2: The Number is Twelve. The dialogue implies that Silvester Uriah Nate (the bard perhaps?) and Carol (Red Cloak?), are forming a team and one of them wants to make it a 12 members team (1st generation Twelve Holy Knights?).

    Red Cloak might not be Judgement but the story probably centers around her. Also, as mentioned above, Bard’s way of speaking resembles that of Gui and can also be compared to Sun’s extensive wording. And by the way Red Cloak/Carol speaks, she can be considered stern and cold, and people will also think that she doesn’t get along with the bard…

    • @Mawy
      I know you’re just sharing your theories, but it’s on a separate page for a reason. TT^TT Some people purposefully avoid the novel synopses because they don’t want to find things out ahead of time.

  30. Jasae Bushae

    huh…i was reading unbeatable again and i noticed a super duper interesting comment by the neo generation judgment knight http://www.princerevolution.org/unbeatable_p1/
    ‘ The movements of the person in front were very graceful, even though he was jogging. Even his head of golden hair bounced rhythmically like dancing musical notes. He looked… extremely annoying!’
    musical notes. He specifies musical notes~ and more immportantly that he is super annoying~
    oh and then
    ‘Could the ability to raise such a child actually be a type of talent? Chasel really couldn’t understand what kind of insanity had led Neo to raise his successor into the Sun Knight most like the legends!’
    Which was kinda taken for granted except by this comment hes apparently supposed to act super close to the original…Since to the thing above we know one of the charries is the bard (and 99.99999999% certain bard is sun knight) its interesting to hear comments about musicalness and such~
    So….I hypothisize that Yu Wo worked out Female Warrior well in advance and these were hints about the original!

    • @Jasae Bushae
      Considering that Yu Wo had at least an outline of all 8 LoSK books when she wrote the prologue in book 1, it doesn’t sound like too much of a stretch to say she also thought of the background story ahead of time.

  31. crystella

    thank you very much for adding the link of female warrior to the bar T T i don’t need to search for the november updates anymore……..

  32. SakuraHyuga

    OMG! I’m so excited! But wait a minute…female? Don’t tell me that those fanfics about how Sun was “the first female knight in history” was actually really accurate…

  33. Tamult

    No idea if this is true, considering I don’t read Chinese and all that. . .

    The girl is Hell. The bard is Sun (this is almost universally agreed). Sun, the Bard, is acting as the official head due to whatever reason. The girl is Hell, and they likely have some relationship (Sun being an annoying, failure of a swordsman who can manipulate people into anything and is therefore the leader) with Hell failing. They have a rather strong relationship working or otherwise, where she technically leads them in less public settings or battle. Since they act so close on the field and off (and probably gnashes her teeth with the orders), this puts in the illusion of her following him, leading to Hell Knight being the only member of the Cruel and Cold-hearted faction being under Sun. And since they hear tales of the battles led by Hell, they likely associate Hell’s legend with Sun’s own legend, leading to the supposed swordsmanship. It also explains why Sun has to be so flowery in speech. . . he was originally a bard.

    Though if you notice, the Bard sounds like Grisia in public, but Red Cloak sounds like his sinister thoughts.

    Of course, this is all idle supposition.

  34. NanoLaughing

    The synopsis was hilarious! I CANNOT wait for you guys to translate it! I’m forever a follower of this Site and Yu Wo!

  35. Puja chan

    female warrior was the 1st generation of LSK?? So the first generation of the twelve holy knight was a female? hmmmm……
    make me want to know the details, so i’ll just to wait the traslation…
    thanks PR, ^_^

  36. ShiroKuroMokona

    I figured something out. Female warrior has black haired and black eyes while the bard has yellow hair and blue eyes. Is it judgement knight and sunknight, first gen. OMG Judge was a girl and the sun knight wasn’t even a knight. Grisla was doomed from the start if even the first sunknight couldn’t hold a sword, cause you know they say the Grisla’s gen was considered the closest to orginal’s (how right they were).

  37. crystal

    When i went to see the characters page of Female Warrior, then the character info was in some language other than English. Can you please change it to English? PS-i’m viewing the site on mobile.

    • Tamult

      That is Lorem Ipsum. Basically filler text so that things align correctly and look decent. Its there so the page doesn’t break or the alignment get screwed.

    • @crystal
      That’s not the actual description. It’s more like random Latin placeholder text. It’s basically just used to test the page layout. Putting up an actual description right now would be kinda spoilery since only the prologue has been translated so far.

  38. anonymous

    does this novel ends with prologue2? or main novel starts after prologue2?

    • [PR]dahlys

      The main novel is supposed to start after prologue 2, however, Yu Wo has not written it yet. Female Warrior is still an incomplete story.

  39. Finally the question shall be answered: WAS the first Storm Knight really blue-haired!!?!?!?!?!?

  40. Sakurachi

    *Kyaaaa!* I’ am sooooooo looking forward to this! I can’t wait! *Squeee!*

  41. Dhunny

    Wowowowowow another translated work by the same author as half prince. I must be blessed. Thanks for your translations! I like.

  42. Mariana Redondo

    Hello…. how are you doing? Hope you are fine….
    Wow really love the novel the legend of sun knight and now for this one (Female Warrior)
    Thank you so much for your hard work… they are so great…. can read it over and over again and still love it…
    I was wondering if i can retranslate to my main language, portuguese this two awesome novels… would give credits to you and to your english translation… and more people will get to know this two awesome stories…
    Thank you very much for your attention and hope to hear from you soon….

    • [PR]lucathia

      Hello, thank you for your interest. We have a Portuguese team set up over on PR! International, though they have been inactive recently. You can contact them over here to let them know your interest!

  43. Mariana Redondo

    Hey Lu, how are you doing? It’s me, Mariana the new portuguese translator of Female Warrior, I answered your e-mail and couldn’t log in with the informations you gave, it says the user or password are incorrect :'(
    Thank you very much for your attention and to let me be part of the team \o/

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