Dominion’s End V5Prologue: Captain of the Ice Spears

posted in: Dominions End | 24

Dominion’s End Volume 5: Zhanjiang Garrison

Original novel in Chinese by: 御我 (Yu Wo)

Prologue: Captain of the Ice Spears—translated by Miaka_Mei (proofread by EvlNabiki; C/E edited by lucathia)

“Join my squad!”

I simply got straight to the point. Things had already reached this stage; it was meaningless to continue beating around the bush.

Chen Yanqing’s face brightened, and he almost gave a quick nod. But Wen Jianuo, also known as Ah Nuo, grabbed and pulled the former backward, then stepped forward himself.

“On what terms?”

Thank god he’s not demanding a dowry…

I harrumphed and said, “Discussing terms with me? Do you have holes in your brain? My family’s big brother is the boss of this troop. Consider yourself lucky that you get to join my squad. You’d actually dare haggle over terms with me?”


GOD V3C3: Overthinking Companions

posted in: GOD | 5

GOD —The Beginning of the End— Volume 3: The End Begins

Original novel in Chinese by: 御 我 (Yu Wo)

Chapter 3: Overthinking Companions—translated by lucathia (proofread by Trespasserby)

“You don’t have to keep your promise. I don’t want you to play with me anymore!”

The elf’s eyes shot open. Blinding sunlight wove through the leaves of the trees, shining straight into his eyes, making it difficult for him to keep them open. It was only after he crawled up that he realized the sun was already high in the sky. How can it be so late already?

He naturally turned and accused, “Bai Saya, why didn’t you wake me up to prepare breakfast?”

However, there wasn’t a single person beside him, only forest and grass. This wasn’t a dense forest, and the trees weren’t all that tall either. It was mostly grass and shrubs. Among the rather empty forest floor, there was only a single white rabbit that paused after hearing the elf’s shout. It stared at him with red eyes before quickly hopping away.


Eclipse Hunter V1C9: Good Morning, World; I’m An Xiang Ye

posted in: Eclipse Hunter | 4

Eclipse Hunter Volume 1: Brothers

Original novel in Chinese by: 御我(Yu Wo)

Chapter Nine: Good Morning, World; I’m An Xiang Ye—translated by Trespasserby

“Ah Ye, you have to enjoy yourself today too!”

Ri Xiang Yan vigorously rubbed his little brother’s head. Though, when he saw that he’d messed up his brother’s hair, he hurriedly pulled out a comb and straightened out his brother’s hair.

“Understood!” Ah Ye shouted fairly energetically.

“You should say ‘O.K.’ or ‘Yeah.’ Gēge isn’t giving you an order or anything,” Ri Xiang Yan lightly scolded.

“Understood… Ah, ah.” Ri Xiang Ye suddenly found that he had used the wrong words again. He hastily nodded and changed it to, “Yeah, yeah, O.K.!”

After he responded, Ri Xiang Ye suddenly spotted a familiar figure.


No Hero V8C3: The Purest Criminal

posted in: No Hero | 7

No Hero Volume 8: The End, the Beginning, Part Two

Original novel in Chinese by: 御我(Yu Wo)

The Beginning NO.3: The Purest Criminal—translated by Taffygirl13 (proofread by Trespasserby; C/E edited by lucathia)

“It seems to me that, while the young master was originally very concerned about his body having undergone a significant amount of modification, it began to worry him even more ever since he found out about the issue of his life expectancy.”

Upon hearing these words, I turned my head to glare at An Te Qi. If it weren’t for this overtalkative bastard, how would Ah Ye have found out about his life expectancy issue so early? Although Ah Ye had asked the question first, couldn’t this guy have just dodged the topic?

“Sun Emperor, if you found out that Dr. An Te Qi was acting half-heartedly toward the young master, what would you do?”

Kill him!

Kyle sighed, and I seemed to hear a mutter along the lines of “keeping company with a lord is like keeping company with a tiger.” Before I had the chance to order for the secretary to be dragged out for a beating, he spoke up once again. “But ever since you hired that butler, the young master appears to have been mentioning his own modifications less, as if he no longer minds as much.”

That was indeed the case. Why else would I be willing to put up with that damned vampire by Ah Ye’s side! Ah Ye causes enough trouble by himself. There’s no need for another one—For shame! What am I saying? Ah Ye is a lovable and sensible child, he would never cause…cause…

“Sun Emperor.” Kyle comforted, “Regardless of what thoughts regarding the young master you are having right now, dispel them! Overthinking will cause you to age prematurely.”

I narrowed my eyes dangerously and asked in suspicion, “You don’t normally try to intervene with Ah Ye’s matters. If it weren’t for my orders, you would avoid it if you could. Why are you suddenly bringing this up voluntarily today?”

Kyle honestly responded, “Because I feel like you want to do something after hearing Dr. An Te Qi’s report, Sun Emperor, and it makes me uneasy. For the sake of preventing an imminent catastrophe, I think intervening a bit is worth it.”

“What imminent catastrophe?! Anything I would want to do is for Ah Ye’s bene—what is that expression on your face right now!”

He lowered his head and quietly answered, “But Sun Emperor, the young master will be upset.”

“You don’t even know what I was planning on doing, yet you are confidently saying that he will be upset—And what is that face this time?!

“Kyle, you’re really becoming more impudent now. The fact that I placed you in an important position does not mean that you are necessary!” I stated frigidly, “Call Bai Lian Yue here. Starting from today, you are to go to another branch!”

Kyle not only remained fearless, he even seemed extremely worried as he replied, “You are transferring me, Sun Emperor? What exactly are you planning—”

I slammed my hand down on the table and roared, “I just said, get out this instant!”

Kyle sighed. “Understood.” He immediately began to collect his documents, laptop, and other items.

Before he walked out of the office, he turned around to look at me in concern to say, “Sun Emperor, before you do anything, please think about the sight of the young master crying.”


Eclipse Hunter V1C8: Demon, Soar

posted in: Eclipse Hunter | 5

Eclipse Hunter Volume 1: Brothers

Original novel in Chinese by: 御我(Yu Wo)

Chapter Eight: Demon, Soar—translated by Trespasserby (proofread by Lala Su and Minthe; C/E edited by lucathia)

The rooftop of the tallest building should naturally be a place with intense sunlight, but at the moment, there was a dark and cold feeling, as though even the lofty, radiant sun in the sky was no match for the person standing on the roof—Dark Sun.

“Dark” meaning black—Dark Sun, a black sun!

The floor was covered in blood and flesh. Only Dark Sun stood calmly in its midst.

At this moment, the “banging” on the glass finally caught Dark Sun’s attention. He turned his head, a genuine smile appearing on his face as he walked to the side of the helicopter. With a single tug, his slender arm opened… No, directly pulled off the helicopter door. Ri Xiang Yan immediately leaped out.

