Eclipse Hunter Volume 4: Truth and Lies, Separate Worlds
Original novel in Chinese by: 御我(Yu Wo)
Chapter Four: I Hate You; I Love You—translated by Trespasserby (C/E edited by lucathia)
Dark Sun exited the toy store. Because the model couldn’t be completed in the same day, he still didn’t have anything to show for it. So, he still wasn’t happy.
His microchip came up with several ways to solve the problem. He chose to walk to the barbecue stall he and Ezart had frequented a few times before. It was already past eight o’clock. Most people had already finished eating dinner, while those wanting midnight snacks hadn’t arrived yet. Therefore, there weren’t a lot of people by the stall.
He sat down and simply said to the waiter who came up, “One of everything.”
“The portions here are large. Are you waiting for someone?” the waiter cautioned, both out of shock and with good intentions.