The Legend of Sun Knight Volume 4: To Slay a Dragon
Original novel in Chinese by: 御 我 (Yu Wo)
Sixth Tactic of Slaying a Dragon: “Defeat Enemies Along the Way” – translated by Azakura
After applying the Wings of God spell onto myself, I pushed myself to sprint for half an hour before I found the rest of the party.
I thought they would be further away, but they were actually surprisingly close by… This nearly made me burst into a cold sweat all over. If I had exchanged words with Ecilan for a second longer, they might have already caught up with me.
However, as I neared their location, I realized that they were taking a break. The campfire looked like it had been burning for quite a while already.
If they’ve already gotten so close to me, why didn’t they continue to chase me?
Although my heart was filled with suspicion, I cast Light Shield over myself, and then I tried to stay vigilant so that I could prepare to run at any moment.
Contrary to my expectations, no one was anything like the “graceful, handsome, and formidable holy knights” from Sybil’s continuous chants. Instead, all of them were lying around on the ground in a disorderly fashion; leaning on branches, directly sleeping on the dirt, or simply using one of their companion’s calves as a pillow. Still, I guess anyone can tell from their postures that… they’re extremely tired.