Dominion’s End Volume 4: Battle for Lan City
Original novel in Chinese by: 御 我 (Yu Wo)
Chapter 5: An Unexpected Encounter, Part One—translated by Miaka_Mei (proofread by Arcedemius & Minthe; C/E edited by lucathia)
“We’ll split up for the rescue. Gather them here, but only bring the quiet, obedient ones. Abandon them if there’s the slightest resistance.”
Xiao Sha nodded.
“The key point is not to push yourself too hard. If there’s something amiss, prioritize your own safety first. If you really can’t get away, then call out my name, and I’ll figure something out. I mean it.”
I couldn’t resist giving out the order thrice. I was worried that Xiao Sha wouldn’t want to endanger me, so much so that he wouldn’t even be willing to ask for help and would end up sacrificing himself. If the sacrifice was worth it, then so be it. But I really didn’t want him to die in vain when I could have saved him, simply because of some pointless misgivings.
Xiao Sha readily agreed, without any sign of struggle or hesitation. He didn’t look like he would insist on not calling for help and taking on the burden alone.
Running out of time, I quickly instructed, “You’ll save the ones who were running to the left and right, lead them here, and don’t go anywhere else. I’ll save the others.”