Illusions, Lies, Truth Volume 5: The Fallen, Jiu Ge, Part One
Original novel in Chinese by: 御 我 (Yu Wo)
Chapter 2: Apartment, Part 3—Spirit Car—translated by lucathia (proofread by Minthe)
“This chair has been influenced and has become a devil.”
Liu Yishi’s Bible shone with light falling upon the chair. The heavy, wooden chair actually began to tremble. The brighter the light became, the wilder the chair shook. A black aura seeped out but was completely ensnared by the light, unable to stretch out further. The two entities fought until the bitter end when even the Bible began to tremble minutely.
The end result was that the chair they had just said to bring back to Qing Wei Gong shattered into a pile of wooden boards. Even that wasn’t satisfactory. The Bible rushed in, light flashed several times, and the wooden boards became wooden pieces.
The three of them were speechless. It was as if the Bible had seen an archenemy. This chair couldn’t be anything but a devil.
Liu Yishi turned and asked worriedly, “Son, are you all right?”