Update: September 2021

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September Chapters
  1. Illusions, Lies, Truth V5C1: The Novices Debut, Part 3—Case Two
  2. Big and Little Sun Go Go 37: Ri Xiang Ye
  3. Eclipse Hunter V3C7: Rescue Mission, Begin!
  4. Dominion's End V6C5: The Captain that Got Slapped Too Hard
  5. Big and Little Sun Go Go 38: The Author's Birthday
  6. No Hero V9C8: Mistake

Cheers everyone, the month rolls along. Please expect chapters near the end of the month and into October. Can you believe there are only a few chapters left of NH? It’s going to feel odd once we’re done. These current chapters have really packed a punch too!

Last month, “an androgynous boy with ice powers” won the poll! This month, we have a fun poll from ArmadaTW about Yu Shu summoning an illusion as the third Keeper brother. I quite like the suggested names for each one. :) The names House Keeper and Hold Keeper have really grown on me, so much that whenever I see “Keeper,” I think of them. Like, Gatekeeper and Abysskeeper from Fire Emblem Three Houses? Totally more of their brothers, right?

We would love to hear your poll ideas!

ETA: All chapters we have ready are now up! The remaining chapters will take a bit longer. We’re still working on them. Check back in October~

5 Responses

  1. Hans

    I vote for lesus as book keeper so that yu shu’s books would came out on time✌️.
    Yu shu: how dare you~~!!
    Book keeper: *frown + glare* continue your work
    Yu shu: yessir!

    • Kamui

      I know, my thoughts exactly! Though…could Gui just be forced to write the books for her? Kinda feels like something she would make him do. *picturing Gui studying “how to write novels for dummies.”

  2. Kamui

    Heheh, this is a fun poll! Though I have to say, as much as I would prefer to expand her collection from across the series, adding Lesus seems like it would be more of a service to her fans (so clearly he must be chosen). I can’t see him suffering her procrastination, even if he is nothing more than an illusion.

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