Update: February 2010

posted in: Updates | 6

Iskeirka: Hi all! We have two lots of updates for you this month, with ½ Prince Volume 3 Chapter 3 and Sun Knight Volume 1 Chapter 2 on the 8th. Coming on the 11th will be ½ Prince V3C4 and Sun Knight V1C3, so knock yourselves out! (Eri: After or before reading? Because if it’s before, how will they read? *runs away*)

The Valentine’s Day Fanfic Contest has now closed, but an essential part of the competition has now made its way here; voting! Voting is open from the 8th to the 14th, so if you have a fanfic you like, go and say so! Those authors need your support, so head on over and vote. (Eri: In case you can’t see it, the poll is at the top of the thread – scroll sideways until you see it!)

We also have six new additions to the team in the form of three proof readers and three translators. The proofers are EvlNabiki, Bridget, and myself (Iskeirka), while the translators are Reflections, Starie, and Raylight, so give them all a big hello!

However, while we have grown, someone has also left. Due to real life commitments, Serao, PR!’s first ever proof reader, has left the team, so make sure to wish her well. She’ll be missed!

On another note, you may notice a few new things popping up around the site. We have character pages once again! This includes both ½ Prince and Sun Knight, and there’s now synopsis page for Sun Knight. (Eri: The ½ Prince character page will be up by the 16th!)

We’ve also received permission from Zhan Bu Lu, one of the ½ Prince artists, and here’s the most important one: Sun Knight is go! Yu Wo has given us permission to translate the novels, so you can look forward to more of The Legend of Sun Knight!

On the subject of PDFs, you may have noticed that Volume 1 is getting reworked a bit. It’ll be up again for your downloadable pleasure in a couple of weeks.

WE ARE IN DESPERATE NEED OF CHINESE-ENGLISH PROOF READERS! If you think you’ve got what it takes, give it a shot! If you head over to the recruitment page there’s more information there, along with the set text to download.

We’ve also gotten in touch with two Deviantart fan clubs, one for Sun Knight and one for ½ Prince, so head on over and take a look! There’re some amazing pieces of art on there that I’m sure you’ll all love.

The Legend of Sun Knight: http://legendofsunknight-fc.deviantart.com/

½ Prince: http://halfprince-fanclub.deviantart.com/

Eilinel: Ok…I’m Storm…oh wait, it’s a mistake (I blame Eri!). Anyway, *cough* let us start at the beginning again, I’m Eili, writing to you from some country on Earth. Eri has asked every one of us to write something for the update now, ranging from jokes to serious recollection XD. (Eri: Shhhh! You’re not supposed to tell them that!) For this update, I just want to say I’m really happy that we’ve received Yu Wo’s permission to translate Sun Knight, and I hope that we can translate more of Yu Wo’s novels once we really get going. (My favourite series of Yu Wo is still No Hero!)

Our updating speed had been irregular over the past few months, but we’ve adopted a new system this year, so hopefully this system will be more effective and the updates will become more regular. By the way, on the subject of the PDF volumes, I know that a lot of our readers can draw well, so we would appreciate it if you could let us use your images as well. Lastly, I want to say farewell to Serao, and I wish her well, and thanks to everyone who have supported us this far!

(How the heck did I end up with such formal looking block of text?  >_<)

Bridget: Hi, Bridget here! Just hoping for a warm welcome by all you guys and to say that I’m really excited to help. Actually, I never thought I was going to make it in, but I’m glad I applied and everyone’s been really nice so far; this is going to be fun. Oh, and if you don’t be nice, I won’t proof-read! *sees Eri and SR glaring* Uhh…just kidding! ^^;

Ray: Yay!! Hurray for everyone’s hard work. This is Ray here! (Some of you may know me on the Half Prince forums.) I’m one of the new translators for PR! Firstly, I’ll like say that I’m really happy to be able to join PR! Everyone here is real nice and fun and lively!! We have insane conversations going on from day to day. Also, most people are really nice to help me with my translating… Since I’m new to this, I hope that you guys will be less harsh on me. >.< But, I still hope that you guys would like my translations!

Annddd… I promised that I’ll write a lot of words here to cut others some slack…hehe. So I guess I’ll introduce myself too! I’m the rather insane person who loves to chat, slack, and eat ice cream. O.0 *ahem* I don’t slack on translating…of course. (Well, people are going to read this! *looks around* Why write evidence of me slacking?) I love Yu Wo’s works, and so far my favourite has got to be The Legend of the Sun Knight. It’s a really hilarious series that won my heart. Why? Hehe… Sun’s antics are plain amusing. And of course, Ice’s shaved ice is awesome! XD So… if you haven’t read it, go read it NOW! (Advertising! XP)

About translating… It really sucks to decide between literal translation and another version. And I seem to be translating mostly Half Prince chapters now. (I wanted to translate SK… but not complaining here!) Well… I really dislike translating the music terms and…of course… FOOD terms. My complaint would be how do you translate food names in Chinese to English and still make it sound like a dish in the menu? XD Besides, it makes me…just a little little bit hungry… >.<

Anyways, we have whacky conversations in PR! , so APPLY! We also have many royal personages in here, haha. For example, we have SR hime-sama, we have Eri ouji-sama. (She demanded to be a prince instead of a princess.) (Eri: I didn’t demand to be a prince; I simply refused to be a princess. XD) Now, we also have our Pancake princess, Bridget!! XP Me? I’m just a lowly waffle girl. (Why waffle? Cause I waffle a lot… XP) Of course, my specialty would be waffles with vanilla ice cream. (Cause I love my ice cream, and Vanilla is my goddess) So… you see, PR! isn’t all about work, we have fun too! So join us!! JOIN!!~~ *tries to hypnotise*

Thus, after my 4 paragraphs of madness, I’ll end it here so that you guys can regain your sanity. (My paragraphs seem to be mostly advertising…) Coming up next is our hime-sama, Shadow Rebirth!!

SR: …Somehow I get the feeling that that nickname is never going to go away. Anyway, I’m Shadow Rebirth, or SR for short. First off I want to say thanks so much to the new proof readers. They’ve done some fantastic, fast work, which will really help towards getting chapters out quicker. They’ve also been re-editing volumes 1 and 2 so that the PDFs will be as clean as we can get them. Also, I’d like to reiterate Eri’s earlier comment about the Fanfic Contest. There are twelve great entries, so we’re going to need lots of votes!

Other than that, there’s not really anything else that hasn’t already been covered. Thanks to everyone for your support!

Eri: Last of all, me – Prince Eri the Great, the Magnificent, the About-to-be-stoned-to-death. Sorry. (I know I sound very unrepentant.) I don’t really remember how I became a prince, since I think my elevation to the royal family took place around 1 or 2 – in the morning – while I was trying to translate SK V1C3 and trying hard not to be distracted by the very amusing conversations on MSN.

No, I didn’t succeed. It took another three more days to finish the translation.

As Isk mentioned, we have a lot of new crew members, and I must say that recruiting them was quite a coup for us. (Pun intended.) Like SR, I think that they’re just incredibly hardworking and very efficient – between the three of them, Nabs, Isk, and Bridget edited V2 in under a week. Ray, Starie, and Reflections have been translating really quickly and well. Our regular translators and proof-readers have also been really working hard this past couple of months, and so we should be able to keep going our current pace. With Valentine’s Day just around the corner, why not leave a note expressing your support (and affection)? XD

I must also mention that Eili has been helping PR! to contact a LOT of people, including Yu Wo, Zhan Bu Lu, and a handful of doujin artists for Sun Knight. (It’s to the point where I’m calling her “Storm”…because she’s doing so much work!) So far we’ve received Yu Wo’s permission to translate Sun Knight into English, and also Zhan Bu Lu’s permission to use her ½ Prince artwork (with certain conditions, such as image resolution, which we’ve agreed to observe). We’ve also found a really, really adorable set of chibi Sun Knight character avatars drawn by a doujin artist, Icicle, and she’s agreed to let us use her chibis as well for our Sun Knight character page. Do visit her site and take a look at all the other beautiful artwork that she has there! In any case, three cheers for Storm…I mean, Eili!

On a more somber note, we’ve had to say goodbye to Serao, who has left the team after nearly eight months as a proof-reader – and as PR!’s first ever proof-reader, she was one of the main reasons why PR! managed to survive for this long. So thank you, Serao, for all your hard work while you were with us! ^^ And don’t tell me that this sounds like a funeral eulogy, because it isn’t!

Before I forget, we’ve received one article for this month and it’s on Gui’s purpose as a character. Go to the forum and take a look at the discussion, and leave a comment on the topic if you have the time!

What else? Oh yes. We’ve followed the suggestions that some of you made (can’t remember who, sorry) and fixed the chapters such that at the end of each chapter, there will be a link to the next or previous chapter. There are also new links at the top of the Sun Knight and ½ Prince pages, so that you can hop from one Sun Knight page to another with ease.

There’s not much else for me to add, except to exhort all of you to go and VOTE on the forum for the fanfic competition! Hurry up and go vote! The closing deadline for votes is the 14th of February.

And oh, for anyone who’s really bored, you can take a look at this post which we’ve just uploaded, which contains a number of our recent…conversations. You might end up clutching your sides, though.

To all of you, have a great Valentine’s Day, and to all those celebrating the Lunar New Year, I hope you get lots of red packets!

– Prince Rev!

6 Responses

  1. Daywalker

    *leaves note* ;P
    Work harder, Millions of Yu Wo addicts are depending on you ;)
    *is now going to check out the new buttons*

  2. Salahare

    Wow~ So much to read from you all, and so entertaining and heartwarming to boot!

    To be sure, I’d love to be able to join in on the msn conversations… XD Heck, Skype has proven to be an entertaining venture for those of us who hang out in the Shout Box, too!

    Don’t stay strangers~


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