½ Prince V8C4: Cold Fox’s Terrifying Special Training

posted in: ½ Prince | 67

½ Prince Volume 8: Eternal Legend

Original novel in Chinese by: 御 我 (Yu Wo)

Chapter 04: Cold Fox’s Terrifying Special Training – translated by bleachpanda

“Thank you, Prince. Thank you for letting me understand what love is.”

I suddenly woke up, only to find my face covered in tears and that phrase resounding incessantly in my mind…

Dictator of Life….

After the day I saw the Dictator of Life, we also encountered Fairsky and the rest. Sunshine and Kenshin had really come back, proving that the things that had happened that day weren’t the result of becoming muddleheaded from oversleeping and dreaming everything! They were real! The Dictator of Life really had come to say his farewells.

After Lolidragon heard the news that Long Dian had an incurable disease and needed to combine with the Dictator of Life in order to live, she was stupefied and had no idea what to do.

Everyone told me that not doing anything and letting them combine would be the best method… But I just couldn’t forget the content smile the Dictator of Life had shown just because of a few words of mine.

Is sacrificing the Dictator of Life… really the best way to do this? If the Dictator of Life were an actual human being, perhaps everyone wouldn’t have made such a decision… However, to me, he was a real human being. It was similar to how Fairsky felt that Sunshine was definitely not an NPC.


Unbeatable Part 4: We are Unbeatable

The Legend of Sun Knight Side Stories

Original novel in Chinese by: 御 我 (Yu Wo)

Unbeatable Part 4: We are Unbeatable – translated by dahlys

When they were outside the town, Aldrizzt suddenly stopped walking. He first put on his cloak and pulled the hood down to his chin. Next, he donned gloves. After he had wrapped himself up tightly, he asked Neo a little anxiously, “How do I look?”

Since I wrapped myself up like this, no one should be able to tell that I’m a dark elf, right?

Neo scrutinized him, and then commented, “I think that…”

What do you think? Aldrizzt waited for Neo’s opinion nervously.

“I think that you look extremely suspicious.”

“…” Aldrizzt was speechless for a while. He snapped unhappily, “That goes without saying! I mean, can you tell that I am a dark elf?”

Neo raised an eyebrow and said carelessly, “So what if you’re recognized?”


The Legend of Sun Knight V4C8: “Take the Wrong Fork in the Road”

posted in: The Legend of Sun Knight | 135

The Legend of Sun Knight Volume 4: To Slay a Dragon

Original novel in Chinese by: 御 我 (Yu Wo)

Eighth Tactic of Slaying a Dragon: “Take the Wrong Fork in the Road” – translated by lucathia

We continued heading further into the valley with Woodrow leading the way. As we walked, I discovered that things were as they had claimed. There were fewer and fewer undead creatures. Eventually, there were practically none at all.

However, the others didn’t notice that the dark element was also becoming thinner and thinner and that the water element was taking its place.

The reason there were fewer and fewer undead creatures was now obvious; the dark element had thinned out so much that it was no longer able to sustain them.

But why would there suddenly be a spot of land permeated with the water element in this valley overflowing with the dark element?

As I pondered this, Ecilan interrupted my thinking with a precise and simple question, “Where to?”

I hesitated and then told him, “I’m searching for something…”


Unbeatable Part 3: Sun Knight – Neo Sun

The Legend of Sun Knight Side Stories

Original novel in Chinese by: 御 我 (Yu Wo)

Unbeatable Part 3: Sun Knight – Neo Sun – translated by dahlys

If there was any way in which Neo acted like a companion, it was that he was always leading the way out in front!

Also, he was indeed a competent companion, never letting any enemies run past him to attack the mage in the back.

In addition, he was rather strong, even by the standards of Aldrizzt’s people, who were very well versed in combat.

However, this was where Aldrizzt’s understanding of Neo’s strength ended.

Besides the fact that mages did not understand sword-wielding classes very well, the two of them truly did not run into many difficulties. Maybe it’s because we have been continuously trying to find a way out and haven’t actually entered the depths of the forest! Therefore, although he knew that Neo was rather strong, Aldrizzt did not know exactly how strong he truly was.

Although he was extremely curious about this human called Neo, Aldrizzt did not ask him about anything at all.

This was because Neo had also never questioned the dark elf’s past, not even why he was being hunted by his own people. Thus, Aldrizzt would similarly not ask about Neo’s past. He hadn’t even asked Neo for his surname.


The Legend of Sun Knight V4C7: “Choose Your Companions for Slaying a Dragon”

The Legend of Sun Knight Volume 4: To Slay a Dragon

Original novel in Chinese by: 御 我 (Yu Wo)

Seventh Tactic of Slaying a Dragon: Choose Your Companions for Slaying a Dragon – translated by ErodingPersona

As I gradually regained consciousness, I thought of opening my eyes, but I immediately stopped myself.

Why should I? I’m blind; there is no point in physically opening my eyes.

The images in my mind gradually became clearer… However, all of a sudden they stopped becoming clearer. My sight was still very blurry, not at all like how clear it had been before.

I opened my eyes thinking that they might actually be of some use, but even after doing so the images around me were still blurry and unchanged.

I was startled, slightly confused as to why this was happening, until I realized that the dark element in my vicinity was interfering with my ability to sense other elements, causing the blurriness of the images in my mind. When I strengthened my sensing ability, the images returned to their usual clarity.

This has absolutely nothing to do with opening my eyes!

I ripped a strip of cloth from my robes and started winding it around my eyes.
